
Friday May 24, 2019

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Episode 55 Rob Wrobel
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
This week I have a chance to speak with Rob Wrobel from Rob's Cigar Box Guitars. We discuss his building history and what happened with Lace Pickups. Remember that this interview including Rob's explanation of what happened and my personal views are just that. We don't have any input from Lace at this point. Either way Rob is certainly not letting this hold him back and he has already moved on.
Adam Harrison

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Ep 54 The Little Guy and Big Business
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Well obviously you would be expecting a comprehensive round up of all things NAMM. Nope:)
Facebook has been burning with one topic all week, You know what it is. Big business vs the little guy. I have no idea what went on behind closed doors but I have some thoughts on the topic.
We also have some built tips and products to chat about from a few suppliers.
Sorry about having to record this in the car but here it is, warts and all.
Best regards Adam Harrison

Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Ep 53 To Relic or Not to Relic
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
In this episode I speak about a recent FB conversation about relic finished guitars. The feedback regarding relic guitars was definitely not pro-relic. I however love a good relic finish guitar and also love to relic my CBGs. So without using the word relic again here is the episode; To Relic or Not to Relic:)
Remember to subscribe and join THE CIGAR BOX GUITAR BUILDER youtube channel and FB group.
Best regards Adam Harrison

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Episode 52 Todd Sigmier from ROCKY MOUNTAIN SLIDE COMPANY
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Wow what a treat to speak with Todd 'Doc' Sigmier from Rocky Mountain Slide Company. Big thanks to Doc for being such a great guest. Really had fun with this one.
Big thanks to all our FB Group members and new subscribers to the new Youtube channel

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Episode 51 Blake Saban from The Urban Chiefs
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
This episode, I speak with Blake Saban from the band The Urban Chiefs. Blake has been playing a CBG (built by the famed Arthur Moody) for a good few years, as one of his standard stage and recording instruments. Blake and The Urban Chiefs have been relentlessly touring for years and have released a number of fantastic CDs and just recently a live DVD which has to be seen. Having seen these guys live I can attest to their huge stage presence and great songs.
Contact Blake Saban at www.theurbanchiefs.com to purchase an album or DVD
contact me, Adam Harrison at www.birdwoodguitars.com
Hope you are enjoying the new episodes.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
New Products To Try and Crazy Soviet Plank Guitars
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Well here we are at episode 50!!! Wow!!!
Our interview with the wonderfully tallented Rob Wrobel has had to be postphoned for a couple of weeks due to an unexpected trip to Montana. I kook forward to speaking with him soon. Justin Johnson has a new Kickstarter campaign in the works so be sure to check that out. There are some great new products available from
Please check out these great companies for some great products.
I also made an insane plank guitar from a discarded chopping board which had been made from a Soviet box timber and still had the writing on it. They are loads of fun.
Big Thanks
Adam Harrison

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Episode 49 The return of The Cigar Box Guitar Builder
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Hi CBG fiends. The CBGBuilder is back!!
We are back to the ideals and vision that made TCBGBP a worldwide success!!!!! OK thats a bit of an exageration but we are still the most CBG focussed podcast on the planet.
In this episode i got a chance to speak with Elaine Lally from an awesome, homegrown, retro inspired guitar strap company called MYMUMDRIVESAUFO.
I also yammer on about NOT fixing a broken guitar.
OH and there is now a YouTube channel dedicated to this podcast called THE CIGAR BOX GUITAR BUILDER
Have fun building.

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Episode 48 Your Brand
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Do you have a brand? Share in the comments if you do. Don't forget to join the FB group too!

Sunday May 13, 2018
episode 47 ive been busy
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
Hi wonderful people, I’m uploading from my phone this time so I hope this works. i’ve been setting up the shop for the last couple of weeks so I had some thoughts and wanted to share them.