
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Jason Heskins from JLee Guitars
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
It feels so good to be back in the interviers seat. Talk about rusty!! A huge thank you to Jason Heskins from JLee Guitars for agreeing to be interviewed. He has such a wonderful approach to building guitars and I hope you enjoy the show.
Please consider supporting the show. The easiest way is to simply tell a friend or you could support us over at patreon. You can also give us 5 stars and leave a comment on whichever podcasting outlet you use.
Thanks again, Adam Harrison

Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Building a Del Puckett Style Guitar
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Ok, in all honesty, I have to admit that I am a HUGE Del Puckett fan! I always wait eagerly for his Youtube channel uploads and I have learnt heaps from him. His enthusiasm is totally infectious and his guitars always sound great. So, it only makes sense that I would eventually choose to build a few guitars using his techniques. I did videos of these builds at the beginning of this year and recorded this audio around the same time. Ive just re-booted the podcast and thought it would be cool to upload this episode. I haven't spoken to Del about doing this but I hope he enjoys it if he does hear it. I have continued to build my guitars my way but truely enjoyed the experience. Please like and leave a review if you enjoyed the show. Next week we should be back to a more regular timing for episodes as I have really missed doing the show.
Adam Harrison

Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Ep 73 Dazza Builds a Uke
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
It's been a while but Darren and I are back with another fun filled episode of cbg building. There are many more episodes in the pipeline so thank you for checking in and please don't forget to subscribe. Also, please check out ' The Cigar Box Guitar Podcast' instagram profile.
Big thanks from Adam and Darren

Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Episode 64 Pricey Boxes and a Resonating Vibrator.
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Ok, the resonating vibrator is a guitar that Darren made using a spring and a milo tin lid on the inside as a natural reverb. I'm just being cheeky. It's actually a Jack Daniels styled guitar which looks amazing.
In this episode we chat about the rediculous price of cigar boxes here in Australia and in other (non USA) countries. We discuss alternatives.
Also please check out two incredibly tallented bands; Cigar Box Serenaders and Cigarbox Man. Two incredibly tallented bands.
We will be back next month with episodes every two weeks.

Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Why Shouldn’t You Go Fulltime
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
OK, this is a contentious statement. However, I've been lucky to have had the chance to build CBGs as a full time job. I certainly haven't done everything correct. In fact, I'm still dealing with certain issues as I run my business down to a hobby again. I'm not stopping but I have decided to get back to building guitars from the heart. I'm over doing made to order instruments as they became 'work'. Don't get me wrong I'm very proud of my work but it really was sucking the creativity out of me which is why I started doing this in the first place. So, I thought it was important to tell this warts and all story.
Darren and I will be back shortly.
Adam H

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
John Nickel. Builder and player.
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Ok, doing this podcast was more important to me than I realised. It's back. This first episode is with John Nickel. John taught me more in one episode that I knew in 2 years of building. A great musician and a very giving person.
We have a Facebook group called 'The Cigar Box Guitar Builder', please consider joining us for all the fun.
If you'd like to view my range of CBGs please pop over to www.birdwoodguitars.com
Thanks for listening
Adam (Birdwood) Harrison

Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Episode 70 Pickups, Friends and Fun
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
In this episode Darren and I discuss whether handmade pickups are a financially viable alternative to ready made pups, the passing of Ted Crocker and some cool builds and builders we noticed this week.

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Introducing Darren MCDonald
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
I've known Darren McDonald for a couple of years. He builds roots instruments from reclaimed timbers and recycled boxes with an integrity that totally inspires me. He is a builder who isn't afraid of a challenge and always has time to say, "Hi" and give a helping hand. So when he agreed to co-host the show with me I was thrilled. I hope you enjoy the new format of the show and we would appreciate any constructive feedback.
Don't forget to check out www.birdwoodguitars.com as well as the accompanying Youtube channel of the same name.
We also have a Patreon account of the same name and would really appreciate any support.
So sit back and help me welcome Darren to the show.
Adam Harrison
Birdwood Guitars & CBGs

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Jesse Thomas from Hummingbird Guitars
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Jesse is a guitar and cigar box guitar builder from Randolph Nebraska. He builds a variety of awesome instruments ranging from ukuleles to 6 string heavy metal inspired solid body guitars. Jesse is happy to use whatever materials come his way and relies on his main trade as a carpenter to craft these cool instruments. You can find Jesse Thomas on Facebook and via our group.
Please consider becoming a patron of our little show via our Patreon account at
You can also check out my guitars and CBGs @ www.birdwoodguitars.com
Big thanks
Adam Harrison.

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Mella Miante from Barreldawg Band
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Today I got to interview Mella Miante from Barreldawg Band. These guys have been ripping it up on the central coast of NSW and really pushing the cigar box guitar as their go to instrument. Mella and I chatted about what her band is up to, building her first CBG and a plethora of other cool topics. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
You can check out Barreldog Band's music on Youtube, iTunes and Bandcamp. Also please follow them on instagram @barreldawgband.
Be sure to follow us here and give us a review if you enjoyed the show.
You can also join our facebook group and subscribe to our Youtube channel. Just look up 'The Cigar Box Guitar Builder'.
There was a slight delay in our messenger feed.
Thanks again
Adam Harrison